George David & Missouri Adrian (Price) McCartha family
Compiled by: David Smith
Use these records in your research but, please, do not publish without permission of the family or the chapter.
Newspaper articles relating to the George David McCartha family.
As published, no corrections made, with family notes added.
The Lexington Dispatch, Lexington, South Carolina (1870-1917)
Lexington Dispatch-News, Lexington, South Carolina (1917-1919)
The Dispatch-News, Lexington, South Carolina (1919-2001)
Wednesday, November 15, 1893
Mr. Dave McCarthy one of our best and most respected citizens and a christian gentleman, died at his home, in Gilbert Hollow township on the 16th of October, in the 75th year of his age. He had been blind for the last two years.
(NOTE: father of George David McCartha)
Wednesday, March 18, 1896
Final Discharge.
ALL PERSONS INTERESTED WILL take notice that I will apply to the Judge of Probate for Lexington county, S. C . on the 27th day of March, 1896, at 11 a. m., for a Final Discharge as Executrix of the estate of David McCartha, deceased. All those having demands will present them properly attested, and those indebted to said estate will make payment on or before said date.
C. E. McCARTHA, Executrix.
(NOTE: father of George David McCartha)
Wednesday, November 07, 1900
November Salesday.
Last Monday was sales day in November and it being the first time in several months that sales by the county officials were made by order of court, quite a large amount of land was advertised and as a consequence there were many visitors in town.
The following sales were made by the Clerk of Court:
In the case of L. H. Seay, plaintiff against Malinda E. Seay, Elizabeth Rawl, Ellen M. Kyzer. Josephine Harman and Alma O. Geiger, defendants:
"One lot of land with improvements thereon, situate in the town of Lexington, in the county of Lexington and State of South Carolina. bounded on the north by lots of Mrs M E Meetze and Mrs. Sallie Kaminer's Estate, on the east by lot of M Q Hendrix on the south by lands of Mrs. P L. Harmon, and on the west by Depot Street " These premises were sold in three separate parcels each fronting on Depot Street. Lot No 1 was sold to George McCartha for $165
(names omitted)
(NOTE: George David McCartha)
Wednesday, February 20, 1901
Mr. Dave McCartha, one of Black Creek's most promising young men is in town in attendance upon court as a petit juror.
(NOTE: David G. McCartha, son of John James McCartha, George David McCartha’s brother)
Wednesday, May 29, 1901
Mr. George McCartha is preparing to build a dwelling on his lot on Depot street which he recently purchased from the Levi See estate sale.
(NOTE: George David McCartha. - estate info: Levi H. Seay, born Jan. 5, 1818, died Oct. 29, 1891, burial: Saint Stephens Lutheran Church Cemetery, Lexington, SC. He was married to Melinda Elizabeth Hendrix, born Oct. 12, 1823, died Feb. 25, 1901, daughter of Henry Michael Hendrix and Elizabeth Lewie.)
Wednesday, September 11, 1901
We are requested by Mr. G. D McCartha to extend his warm and grateful thanks for kindnesses to him and his wife during extended her last illness.
(NOTE: George David McCartha's 1st wife, Missouri Adrian Price)
Wednesday, September 11, 1901
Mrs. George D McCartha died at her home in this place last Saturday, after a few weeks illness, in the 44th year of her age and her remains were interred at St. Mathews church on Sunday. She was a Christian lady of bright experience and her profession, was kind hearted adorned and greatly beloved by those who knew her.
(NOTE: George David McCartha's 1st wife, Missouri Adrian Price)
Wednesday, September 25, 1901
Mrs. George D McCartha was born March 21, 1858, at Priceville, Lexington county, S. C., and departed this life September 6, 1901, at her home in the bosom of her family at Lexington, S C. She was confirmed in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, Lexington county, S. C, in blooming womanhood, of which church she remained a most consistent and faithful member until the close of her noble Christian life. Mrs. McCartha was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Price, of Priceville, S. C. The mother of a large and interesting family - five sons, six daughters (the fifth daughter being dead) and one living grandchild - her loss will be deeply felt; she is also greatly mourned in the parental home where devoted parents - father and mother, three brothers and three sisters yet survive her; also a large connection of relatives and friends share in the grief of the family so sorely bereaved.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. G Graichen, pastor of St. Stephen's Evangelical Lutheran church ef Lexington, S. C, at St. Matthew's Evangelical church, Lexington county, S. C, at the close of which her body was laid to rest in the cemetery near the church.
Though her last hours were full of pain and weariness she revealed a fortitude, patience and resignation perfectly sublime end expressed a firm confidence and joyful hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, whom she so earnestly loved and served while she dwelt upon the earth, and upon whose bosom she sweetly rests the coming of her loved ones to the heavenly world. J. G. G.
(NOTE: George David McCartha's 1st wife, Missouri Adrian Price)
Wednesday, November 05, 1902
Mr. George McCartha has our thanks for a basket of fine yam potatoes. They were not too large nor yet too small - just betwixt and between which made them fine eating potatoes. Lawsey: how nice they would go with a big fat O’possum.
(NOTE: George David McCartha)
Wednesday, February 11, 1903
Mr. George McCartha has had a row of hackberrry trees set out on the pavement in front of his property on Depot street
(NOTE: George David McCartha)
Wednesday, March 25, 1903
Mr. George McCartha is contemplating the erection of a dwelling on his lot on Depot street at an early date
(NOTE: George David McCartha)
Wednesday, June 24, 1903
Mr. George McCartha has commenced work on his cottage on Depot street. Messrs. Henry and Julius Ballentine are the contractors.
(NOTE: George David McCartha)
Wednesday, August 12, 1903
Mr. Marshal Clemmons is building the chimneys of George McCartha’s residence on Depot street and is doing a good job.
(NOTE: George David McCartha)
Wednesday, September 09, 1903
Mr. George McCartha has moved his family into his new dwelling on Depot Street.
(NOTE: George David McCartha)
Wednesday, May 11, 1904
The Town’s Expenses - Report of Treasurer of Town of Lexington from Nov. 9, 1903 to May 1, 1904.
(names omitted)
George McCartha, hauling… $1.55
(names omitted)
George McCartha, hauling… $2.35
(names omitted)
(NOTE: George David McCartha)
Wednesday, November 09, 1904
Mr. Jesse L. McCartha, of our town, has accepted a position at the State Dispensary, in Columbia, and has entered upon the discharge of his duties.
(NOTE: son of George David McCartha)
Wednesday, January 4, 1905
A Wild Hunt.
Uncle Ben Bickley came up from the Black creek section Saturday, wbere he, together with about twenty other discipiles of Nimrod had.been on a big bunt. We are informed that they met with tremendous success. They saw about a million birds, rabbits and squirrels as the effects of Uncle Ban's little black jug, but strange to relate they brought down no game. But they certainly a bountiful and sumptious dinner enjoyed at Mr. John McCartha's.
(NOTE: Ben Bickley, son of John Martin Bickley. John James McCartha, George David McCartha’s brother)
Mr. Dave McCartha of the Black creek section, was in town Saturday and Sunday. His many friends hereabouts, were glad to see him.
(NOTE: David G. McCartha, son of John James McCartha, George David McCartha’s brother)
Wednesday, March 29, 1905
Dr. D. L. Griffith of Columbia came over to consult with Dr. M. Q. Hendrix in the case of little George McCartha, who is extremely ill at the residence of his father, on Depot street.
(NOTE: George Washington McCartha, son of George David McCartha)
Wednesday, May 10, 1905
Mr. George D. McCartha is the first that we have heard of to have bean blossoms this season.
(NOTE: George David McCartha)
Wednesday, July 25, 1905
Messrs. Dave McCartha and Ben Bickley, of Black Creek, have been visiting relatives in this vicinity.
(NOTE: David G. McCartha, son of John James McCartha, George David McCartha’s brother. Ben Bickley, son of John Martin Bickley & Elizabeth Taylor, Ben is the brother of George David McCartha's 2nd wife)
Wednesday, November 07, 1906
Death of Mrs. Jane McCarthy.
Mrs. Jane, the wife of Mr. George
McCartha, after a short illness, died Saturday night about 7 o'clock in the 54th year of her age. She was the daughter of Mr. Martin Bickley, of the Fork, who preceded her to the spirit land many years ago. She was devoted to home and her domestic duties; was a faithful wife, kind, dutiful and affectionate stepmother, and truly was a good, Christian woman. Mr. McCartha and family certainly have the sympathy of out citizens in their bereavement. Her remains were buried at St. Matthews church Sunday at 4 o'clock p. m.
(NOTE: 2nd wife of George David McCartha - Alice Eugene [Bickley] McCartha, daughter of John Martin Bickley and Elizabeth Taylor)
Wednesday, December 19, 1906
Mrs. Alice Eugene McCartha, the second wife of George D. McCartha, was born in Lexington county S. C., May 6, 1853, and died at Lexington, S. C., Nov. 3, 1906, aged 53 years, 5 months and 27 days.
She was at the time of her death a consistent member of St. Stephen’s Evangelical Lutheran church Lexington, S. C. Prior to the time of her entrance into St. Stephen’s church, February 1, 1904, she was an acceptable member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, in Lexington Fork Circuit, South Carolina conference. She survived her father and mother by some years. She had five brothers and one sister.
A faithful wife and devoted mother she was fondly loved by her husband and children and all her relatives. Hew sweet disposition and thoughtfulness of others won for her the respect and affection of all who associated with her. Consecrated to God, devoted to her family and loyal to her friends she enriched the world in moral wealth and left a name worthy to be remembered by the pure and good.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. G. Graichen in St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran church in the presence of a sorrowful congregation. The interment took place in the cemetery adjoining the church. In the beautiful world of the sanctified we hope one day to meet our beloved and departed friend.
J. G. G.
(NOTE: 2nd wife of George David McCartha - Daughter of John Martin Bickley and Elizabeth Taylor)
Wednesday, July 24, 1907
Gilbert R.F.D. 4
Mr. Jacob McCarthy and sisters, Misses Sallie and Ella, of Lexington, attended services at St. Matthew’s last Sunday
(NOTE: children of George David McCartha)
Wednesday, July 31, 1907
Mr. David McCartha spent a short while in town Sunday on his way to his home in Black Creek, after spending a few days very pleasantly with relatives in the Fork. Mr. McCarthy says that the corn crop is fine in his section.
(NOTE: David G. McCartha, son of John James McCartha, George David McCartha’s brother)
Wednesday, April 15, 1908
Gallant Dave McCartha, one of the best young men in the county and a son of our old friend John McCartha, of Black creek, was a juror this week.
(NOTE: David G. McCartha, son of John James McCartha, George David McCartha’s brother)
Wednesday, May 13, 1908
Mr. John McCartha and his daughter. Miss Emma, accomplished of the Black creek section, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in the Fork. They stopped over with the editor' on Monday on their return home.
(John James McCartha, George David McCartha’s brother)
Wednesday, May 27, 1908
Mrs. Almena Frye spent Monday night in Lexington, the guest of her brother, George D. McCartha.
(NOTE: Mis-print - She is the daughter of George David McCartha, not sister)
Mr. Jacob McCartha and sister, Miss Ella McCartha, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Priceville.
(NOTE: children of George David McCartha)
Wednesday, July 29, 1908
Mr. John McCartha and Son, Dave, of Black creek, were here on Saturday.
(NOTE: John is George David McCartha's brother)
Wednesday, June 28, 1911
Miss Sallie McCartha, daughter of Mr. George McCartha of Lexington, and Mr. Pete Ivey of Black Creek, were quietly married at the residence of Rev. A. R. Taylor yesterday morning. The Dispatch extends congratulations.
(NOTE: daughter of George David McCartha)
Wednesday, December 13, 1911
Mr. George McCartha’s condition remains the same. A trained nurse is at his bedside.
(NOTE: George David McCartha)
Wednesday, December 27, 1911
George McCartha.
Mr. George McCartha, for many years a resident of Lexington, died at his home on Depot street on last Thursday at noon, after a long and painful illness. The deceased was 57 years of age and is survived by ten children - five sons and five daughters. He is survived also by two brothers - Jesse McCartha, of Columbia, and John McCartha of Black creek
The remains of Mr. McCartha were laid to rest in the cemetery at St Matthews church on Saturday. A good man was George McCartha.
Wednesday, June 26, 1912
Cotton Blossoms Plentiful
The cotton blossoms have been shot at The Dispatch so thick and fast during the last few days that it is hard to tell who got first. However we mention the following: (names omitted), Mr. George McCartha, of Lexington, on the 24th; (names omitted)
(NOTE: George Washington McCartha, son of George David McCartha)
Wednesday, March 05, 1913
Mr. Jesse L. McCartha has moved his family from Batesburg here and occupy the George McCartha home.
(NOTE: son of George David McCartha)
Wednesday, September 24, 1913
Mr. Dave McCartha, one of the farmers, of Black Creek, substantial was here last week. Dave was looking well and we are always glad to see him
(NOTE: David G. McCartha, son of John James McCartha, George David McCartha’s brother)
Wednesday, November 27, 1918
High School Service Flag
To Honor Boys Who Have Donned the Khaki Under Their Country's High Command
It is the purpose of the Lexington High School to place in the auditorium a service flag in honor of the former pupils who have been called to service in the army, the navy, and other departments of service. Of those called, some are still in service, others have been honorably discharged. It may be that some names are not entitled to he on the following list, or perhaps some names have been omitted, in either case, the readers of THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH-NEWS are asked to give their aid in revising the list so as to make it not only accurate but also complete. The teachers, the pupils and the friends of the school have been working to get an accurate and complete list, and they will appreciate any further aid from the public who will kindly send reliable information to W. E. Black, principal or to any one of the teachers of the school.
(names omitted)
Ray McCartha (NOTE: son of George David McCartha)
(names omitted)
Wednesday, November 23, 1921
(Intended for Last Week.)
Mr. Dave McCartha gave an old fashioned chicken stew last Saturday night. Among those present were: Messrs. Jas. Hall, Alton Hall and Odus Rawl, who reported a very enjoyable time.
(NOTE: David G. McCartha, son of John James McCartha, George David McCartha’s brother)
Wednesday, May 17, 1922
Court Will Meet Monday Morning
Court of general sessions will convene here next Monday, May 22, with Judge J. W. DeVore of Edgefield presiding, and the outlook now is that the session will continue for two weeks, as there are a number of important cases awaiting trial and it is the intention of Solicitor Callison to insist on them being brought up at this term.
It was stated this morning by T. C. Sturkie, who represented Gappins at the trial and in his appeal to the supreme court, that in all probability the three men, Kirby, Gappins and Fox, would be brought to Lexington during Monday for resentence to electrocution. These three men were convicted at the fall term of court of murder in the killing of William Brazell, the Columbia taxi driver, and sentenced to die last October, but their apepals to the supreme court stayed the sentence.
For trial at the coming term of court there are seven murder cases, several of assault and battery and a number of cases of a more or less minor nature. The murder cases that will probably be called this term are:
Newt Kelley and Frank Goff. charged with murder in the killing of David Shull in New Brookland over a year ago, which has been continued from time to time. Solicitor Callison states that ths case will be among the first called for trial.
J. C. Swygert of Leesville, charged with killing Dr. J. C. Nicholson in the streets of Leesville last year. This case was brought up at the last term of court and resulted in a mistrial.
Dr. Rice B. Harmon, charged with murder in the killing of Olin M. Price a few months ago.
Willie Felder, negro, for killing a negro woman and a negro man at a home near Swansea several months ago. Folder is in jail.
(next few lines unreadable)
? Humphries, negro, will be tried for murder for the killing of Willie Green at Batesburg in May 1920.
Henry Corley, negro, charged with killing his mother-in-law last fall.
Other cases of a less serious nature that will come up for trial are: George W. Miller, who shot and seriously wounded D. E. Hammond at Gilbert some time ago, is charged with assault and battery with intent to kill. J. F. Kelley, white, charged with bigamy. There are also a number of whiskey cases to be tried.
The following jurors have been drawn to serve for the two weeks:
First Week Jurors
(names omitted)
Julian E. McCartha
(names omitted)
George W. McCartha (NOTE: son of George David McCartha)
(names omitted)
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Last updated 27 December 2019
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